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Margarita Cocktail

Is there anything better than a classic margarita? This recipe is made with just four ingredients and tastes better than most restaurant margaritas! …

When An Idea Spins Out Of Control (Plus, My Final Workshop Door Design Decision)

Yesterday, I posted four different ideas to add dimension and interest to the front door of the workshop. Since the front of the building is very fl…

Adding Dimension To The Workshop Door — Pergola Or Awning? (Two Options, Four Versions)

I absolutely love how my workshop is turning out. After we had it built, it was such a big, gray, plain box sitting in our backyard. I had a vision …

Hurricane Drink

If you love a sweet and strong cocktail, you’ll probably enjoy an at-home Hurricane Drink. This drink was created in New Orleans as a solution for us…

Adding Skirting To The Workshop, Part 1

For some reason, I had this idea that adding skirting to my back yard workshop would be a fairly easy, one-day project. My goodness, was I ever wron…

Winterizing A Stray Cat House (Plus, An Update On Our Neighborhood Stray, Tiger)

If you’re a regular around here, you already know about our neighborhood stray cat, who we’ve named Tiger. He’s absolutely adorable, and so friendly…

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