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Cherry Recipes

We love cherries including fresh cherries, tart cherries and sweet cherries as well as maraschino cherries and cherry flavored recipes.  Today we’re…

The DIY Gradient Wood Tasting Spoon Pendant Light Is FINISHED!!

It has been quite a long, winding journey, with lots of roadblocks along the way, but the gradient wood tasting spoon pendant light is finally finis…

Strawberry Jam

This homemade strawberry jam is probably one of my favorite recipes on our whole site. It’s simple, flavorful, easy to make and tastes like childhood…

Prickly Pear Margarita

The Prickly Pear Margarita is a magical hot pink margarita. This cocktail is made with tequila, orange liqueur, prickly pear syrup and lime juice. Th…

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