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Espresso Cookies

Do It Know

I’ve got your next baking project, and it’s these chewy chocolate espresso cookies! These are easy to make, quick to bake, delicious, and they will make your whole kitchen smell like a chocolate factory.

espresso cookie

What I love about these espresso cookies is they have that perfect cookie texture; soft and almost gooey at the very center but a slightly crispy diameter.

And as an avid coffee lover, these have such a fun flavor profile as they mostly taste ultra chocolate-y (think velvet chocolate) and a little bit like coffee too.

espresso cookies on baking rack

What does espresso powder do in cookies?

Espresso powder is sometimes added to chocolate baked goods (chocolate cookies, chocolate cake, etc.) to enhance the chocolate flavor.

It both brings it out and adds a depth to the final flavor. It’s a great trick to have up your baking sleeve, so if you are on the fence about buying espresso powder, it won’t go to waste if you enjoy baking.

Can I use instant coffee instead of espresso powder?

While they are not exactly the same thing, you can substitute them in this recipe if needed. But I prefer the flavor of espresso powder.

And like I said, it’s useful for all sorts of baking projects, so it doesn’t have to go to waste if that’s your concern.

cookie batter in mixing bowl

There are lots of different brands of espresso powder, but I like this one from King Arthur. But any espresso powder you can find at whatever grocery store you shop will likely work just fine.

If you’re unsure where to look, I normally see this in the coffee/tea area of the store, but it could also be among the baking ingredients.

espresso cookies on baking sheet

For these espresso cookies, I like to use chopped dark chocolate instead of chocolate chips because I like how the texture is a little different (and the chocolate gets more distributed throughout each cookie).

But, if you want to use chocolate chips instead, that’s OK, they will still be delicious.

I also like to top these with some melted chocolate and flaky sea salt. This is totally optional, but I think it adds a kind of bakery feel to these.

Plus, it makes them just a little prettier—otherwise they are pretty plain looking. They will be tasty either way, but if you’re making these to gift you might want to dress them up a little, so that’s what I’d recommend.

espresso cookies on baking rack

If you’re looking for more chocolate-centered baking projects:

espresso cookies on baking rack

If you make these espresso cookies, let me know how it goes! You can leave a comment below, or if you share it on social media, tag us so I can see. xo. Emma


Espresso Cookies

chewy chocolate espresso cookies
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Keyword cookies, espressso powder
Prep Time 6 minutes
Cook Time 9 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Servings 18 cookies
Author Emma Chapman


  • ½ cup butter softened
  • ½ cup white sugar granulated
  • ¼ cup brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 egg
  • ¾ cup all purpose flour
  • ¼ cup cocoa powder
  • 2 teaspoons espresso powder
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder
  • ¼ teaspoon baking soda
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 3.5 ounces dark chocolate chopped
  • flaky sea salt


  • In a medium size mixing bowl, cream together the softened butter and sugars.
  • Stir in the vanilla extract and egg until combined.
  • In another mixing bowl, whisk together the flour, cocoa, espresso powder, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
  • Mix the dry ingredients in with the wet ingredients and stir until a thick batter forms.
  • Stir in the chopped dark chocolate.
  • Spoon onto a baking sheet lined with a baking mat or parchment paper. Top with flaky sea salt if using.
  • Bake at 350°F for 8-9 minutes. Allow to cool on baking pan before moving to a cooling rack.
  • Optional: Drizzle melted chocolate over the tops of the cooled cookies and allow to set.


You can substitute instant coffee powder for espresso powder if you need to. But I do prefer espresso powder if possible. 
I like chopped dark chocolate, but you can substitute for chocolate chips if needed. 

from A Beautiful Mess

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