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10 Things I Love Sunday

Do It Know

I went thrifting with my friend Katie recently, and we spotted the best booth. “It’s not hoarding if your stuff’s cool.” Those are pretty wise words, if you ask me. 🙂

In other news, I’m looking for a house to buy (my first one) and it’s equal parts nerve-wracking and exciting. I’ll keep you posted! Anyway, let’s get into some things I’ve been into lately …

1. I bought my first pair of wide legs jeans (since high school, haha) and I really love them. They’re so flattering.

2. If I could buy a sofa without looking at the price tag, it would be this one.

3. There isn’t a cuter iced coffee glass out there. It isn’t possible!

4. I love this Shampure Bar. I was hesitant about using a shampoo bar, but this one cleans my wavy hair really well without drying it out.

5. I’ve been making a lot of crock pot meals lately. It’s so easy to throw something together in the morning and have dinner ready after work. I’ve made this healthy chicken pot pie soup a couple times now—so good!

6. This shirt is for all the Rosemary’s Baby fans out there. Isn’t it fuuun? There’s a matching art print, too.

7. I know vitamins work differently for everyone, but I’ve been taking these every day for several years, and they will always be my go-to.

8. I bought a pair of padded sandals (in yellow) from Target and they’re so darn comfy.

9. I’ve made Emma’s chocolate covered cherry cookies at least three times this year. They’re always a crowd-pleaser!

10. My favorite clean plumping lip gloss is on sale. I love the shade “Sugar Drizzle” (it’s clear with gold shimmer).

P.S. Here’s last week’s 10 Things Sunday in case you missed it! xo, Jacki


from A Beautiful Mess

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