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10 Things I Love Sunday

Do It Know

Hi, friends! We are in the middle of a huge season of change for us as we are moving back to my hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I’ve only done a cross country move once (besides moving out to college) and they are always challenging, but this time we also have a toddler with us so it’s going to be a little more intense! Here’s a few things that have made me smile in the midst of all the craziness:

1. My favorite late night treat right now, an easy fix for a chocolate lover like me.

2. Been using this ready-to-wake clock while working on some sleep training with Lola. I love that I can set/change all the programs from my phone and it has child lock features so she can’t mess with it when it’s within arm’s reach—a big help!

3. Really good tip on how to correctly hang curtains.

4. Our new kitchen only has enough room for a bistro size table, so this little cutie would be perfect!

5. Have you seen this Etsy shop? I love it so much.

6. Ran out of my favorite body wash this week and I just about panicked! It’s been my go-to for the past year or so and I should probably buy it in multiples, as it feels like a big deal when I run out. It’s super thick so I use it for shaving my sensitive skin legs as well.

7. Needed a few more masks in the rotation so I got these for myself since the patterns are so fun.

8. We’ve been watching Perry Mason on HBO as the original series was one of my husband’s memories from his childhood, and it’s been really, really good. Matthew Rhys is amazing in the role and it also has the wolf girl from Glow as another main role, so it’s fun to see her in something else as well. Very moody and mysterious but not too dark for me, as I’m a little sensitive to that stuff.

9. In case you’re wondering, this is how you can ride the tie dye wave into fall …

10. Perfect for breakfast with kiddos! And this one officially blows my mind.

Also, as you may have noticed in the photo, I got bangs this week which is also a big change! I’ve had them a few times before in the past, but now I just have to remember how to style them so they don’t look like a bad Sia wig every morning, ha ha … xo. Laura

from A Beautiful Mess

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