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3 Ways to Update Floating Frames

Do It Know
Estimated read time: 3 min

Today, I am sharing a few ideas for updating floating picture frames. I recently added these to my home office. You may have heard me mention in our newsletter that I recently moved my office into the guest bedroom of our house. I am still very much in the process of decorating and making the space my own, but you’re getting a little peek today with this project. 🙂

I worked with Canon USA to create this post, printing with my trusty PIXMA TS9521C—which I’ve had for some time now. I love this printer. I use it for printing photos, artwork (like this project), and work documents. It’s a great printer that can handle all of these tasks since it can print high quality color or black and white images. You’ll see I printed these pieces on Luster Photo Paper, which is a great paper to print photos or artwork on, as it’s sort of in between glossy and matte. It won’t show fingerprints but doesn’t have a lot of glare. It’s the perfect in between, if you ask me.

Before we jump into the project, I want to point out that I choose to print three of the pieces we have available in our print shop. They are super simple line drawings, so I thought it would make a nice contrast to jazz up the floating frames I hung them in. There are SO many printable art pieces being offered on Etsy and online generally, so I love being able to print something like this at home and not have to wait for a print to come in the mail and hope it isn’t damaged.

-PIXMA TS9521C and Luster Photo Paper
floating picture frames
aluminum sheet/hobby metal sheet
cane webbing
metal cutters/power shearers
-power drill (for hanging the frames)

The aluminum sheets come in different styles/colors and can usually be found at either hardware stores or hobby stores. You can use any fabric, but as you can see I used some from our fabric line, Flower Market.

First, print your artwork (or photos).

Idea #1 – Cane Webbing

Cut the cane webbing to fit inside your floating picture frame. Depending how the frame you are using is constructed, you may want to use the inside glass or inside frame (as mine had) as the template to cut the webbing. And even though cane wedding is fairly thin, it’s the thickest of the materials I am using in these projects. And it’s possible that some floating picture frames may need some creative thinking to make it work properly. For mine, I simply skipped the second layer of glass that came with my frames as it wasn’t needed.

Idea #2 – Aluminum Sheet

Use the metal cutter or power shears to cut the aluminum sheet to the size you need to fit inside your floating picture frame. Be careful as you cut the metal—it can be very sharp. For extra protection, wear work gloves.

Idea #3 – Fabric

You can use any kind of fabric to become the matting inside a floating picture frame. You may need to iron or steam your fabric before cutting to fit inside the frame.

Once you have the inside pieces all prepared, assemble the frames and then hang in place. Super simple!

A couple of bonus ideas! You could also use sticker letters or window clings to add words or phrases to the glass of a floating frame. You could add pressed leaves or flower petals inside a floating frame. You could also create a design with thin yarn or thread in between the layers of glass. And the last idea—you could paint simple designs like lines or polka dots inside the glass (and allow to dry) to have a partially transparent painted look to your floating frame. I bet there are even more ideas—how would you update a floating frame???

And yes, I do have a this pink couch/futon in my office. Once I get things a little more put together, I promise I will share a tour. I can be a bit of a slow decorator—the opposite of a good HGTV show. Ha. Thanks for letting me share! -Emma

Credits // Author and Photography: Emma Chapman. Photos edited with A Color Story Desktop.

from A Beautiful Mess

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