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Gold + Brass Light Fixture Shopping Guide

Do It Know

We’re so excited to share an EPIC roundup of gold and brass lighting options with you today! I hope it is helpful. We get so many questions about our lighting, and so today we pulled together some favorite sources and links for you!


Chandeliers are one of the most important elements of a room design! I built many of my rooms around the light fixtures. They can express your style in a huge way—from glam to minimal to understated to unique. There is a fixture for every mood and personality! 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11

Flush Mounts

Flush mounts are like chandeliers for rooms with lower ceilings. They are perfect for smaller spaces, bathrooms, rooms with bunk beds (lol—unless you want your chandelier to become a death trap), hallways and cozy spaces. I used a lot more of these in my home than I expected to!

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I use pendants the most for bathrooms and bedrooms. They are awesome to balance between or over mirrors. A row of them can be super cute over an island as well!

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Sconces are useful for bathrooms and bedrooms alike. They can add a lot of charm to a smaller space.

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Table Lamps

There is always a need for another table lamp, at least in our home. I like the options to have more moody, diffused lighting at nighttime.

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Floor Lamps

Large floor lamps can really elevate a room design. They work great around sofas and side tables. I’ve been really impressed with all the great options coming out recently!

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Thanks so much for reading! If you’d like to see more posts like this, just let us know in the comments what kind of home stuff you are shopping for! xx. Elsie


from A Beautiful Mess

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