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Green and White Main Bedroom Before + After

Do It Know

Today is super special because I am sharing the second single-parent room makeover project we recently completed! If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you can see the first one here. In that post, I talk about why we wanted to do a series of these, but I have to admit that COVID-19 has changed/delayed some of our plans that involve being in other people’s homes. Luckily, this room makeover was 99% done before my city, Springfield, MO, began sheltering in place this past winter. Recently, we were able to photograph the final room and I’m very excited to share!

Before we dive into talking about room decor, I want to highlight my friend, Kelsey Baldwin. This is her bedroom that she so kindly let me invade for a time. Ha. Kelsey is a single mom and also a small business owner. She started her business, Paper and Oats, around the time her daughter was born. She has an amazing story! Her book, Strong Girl Brave Girl, tells her story in detail and I highly recommend it.

Kelsey’s background is in graphic design and she has great taste, so I won’t pretend that I made all the great choices for this room—it was Kelsey. Actually, I recently painted my home office and as I stepped back to admire the one green accent wall I had painted alongside the white walls I realized I had 100% copied Kelsey’s bedroom. 🙂

Here is a before and after look. If you toured the rest of Kelsey’s home, you’d see a beautiful and thoughtfully curated space, so it wasn’t like her bedroom was a disaster to start. Far from it. But she did share with me that the walls were not a color she’d chosen, but simply what the last owner had used. So making this space feel more intentional became a priority right away. She also needed a few functional upgrades—better window treatments for better sleep, some closet upgrades, more storage, and a solution for the dog kennel that stayed in her bedroom (which I’ll share more about later this week). And of course we wanted the space to feel beautiful, fit with the age of the home and the items Kelsey already owned (like her adorable bed frame), and feel relaxing. Every main bedroom should feel relaxing and like a place to go for a little bit of peace—or at least that’s my opinion!

We painted most of her walls a bright white with one bold, green accent wall. She choose Behr ‘Equestrian Green’ (S410-7D) and I love the color! Feels very sophisticated. We upgraded her bedside lighting to two sconces on either side (as opposed to one in the center). We swapped out her ceiling fan for something a little more modern. We layered a larger accent rug under the pretty earthy, pink one she already owned. And we got her a larger dresser and side tables with drawers for more storage. The painting above her bed is a commissioned piece from our friend, Michelle Houghton, and I think it’s just perfect. The colors!

Here’s a look at the opposite side of the room. You can see how we worked to hide the dog kennel without losing any of its function for her bud, Cooper. 🙂

The dog kennel cabinet also has two drawers, one that contains dog treats. Lucky dog. And you can also see a more full look of how we treated her windows—adding both blinds and curtains. The natural light in her bedroom is wonderful, but it’s also nice to be able to block light if you want to sleep in or have a nap. Plus, a little more privacy in a bedroom never hurts.

Here is a look at her closet before. Kelsey has one of those beautiful historic homes that is full of character and very little closet space.

We added a second hang bar as well as some vertical shoe storage to try and maximize this space a little more.

Thank you, Kelsey, for letting us into your home! xo. Emma

Room Details: painting / Michelle Houghton, area rug, blinds, curtains, comforter, pink accent pillow, dresser, side tables, wall sconces, ceiling fan, black circle mirror, globe lamp, rattan plant stand, shoe racks. Many items in this room are things Kelsey already owned, but if you have questions leave them in the comments and perhaps she will answer.

Credits // Author: Emma Chapman. Photography: Janae Hardy and Emma Chapman. Photos edited with A Color Story Desktop. Project assistance: Ethan Randolph.

from A Beautiful Mess

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