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A Design Kit: Bouquet Collage and Face Filter!

Do It Know

Hi, friends! I’m here to talk about our newest +pack in A Design Kit—the Bouquet collage pack!! This pack was themed after our super-popular Botanical pack, and Bouquet is different in that it contains flowers with stems as well as foliage. There’s a great variety of things you would truly find in a bouquet: lots of greenery, some dainty, wispy blooms, and the show-stopping flowers.

It’s hard to believe we launched the Collage section to A Design Kit just over a year ago, as it’s quickly become one of our favorite parts of the app! You all seem to love it, too, so we’re excited to be making these scans. 😊 A little behind-the-scenes fun fact—each of these flowers were handpicked, pressed in our office, and scanned to create the final product you see in A Design Kit! Rest assured, we made a bouquet from the leftovers.

Another really exciting thing about the Bouquet pack is that we’ve made an Instagram face filter to go with it! To use the Bouquet face filter on your Instagram stories, you can visit our profile (@adesignkit) and get the filter by tapping on the smiling face icon underneath our highlights. We hope you love this +pack, and as always, ADK+ users will get it for free! Thanks so much for your love and support of our little app—it means the world to us.

xo, Team ACS

from A Beautiful Mess

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