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Elsie’s Baking Pantry Organization

Do It Know

Since moving a few months ago, I have already completely rearranged our kitchen and pantry multiple times. It takes time to figure out a good plan for each space. When I had the idea to make a baking pantry with one side of our pantry (the other side is a coffee/tea set up), it sparked SO much joy—I had to get started immediately.

There are two sections: candy making and cake pops (which you can see here) and sugar cookies, which you can see below. I have been working on my baking skills for around three years now and it’s super fun to practice. I am going to make truffles for the first time soon.

As the mom of two little kids, I can attest that sprinkles are a worthy collection. We put sprinkles on EVERYTHING. 🙂

OK, here is the sugar cookie cabinet. Here, I’ve organized my cookie cutters, dyes and basic supplies I use over and over like icing bottles. I have also found it handy to collect different packaging options since we always end up sharing a good portion of our cookies with other families and friends.

Products used: Pink Storage Boxes / Chalkboard Label Stickers / Chalk Markers / Sprinkle Shelves / Sprinkle Jars / Hyacinth Baskets 

Do you love baking? What are your favorite things to bake? xx. Elsie

Credits//Author: Elsie Larson. Photography: Amber Kelly. Photos edited with A Color Story Desktop.

from A Beautiful Mess

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