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Father’s Day Taco Cookies

Do It Know

Hello, ABM readers! I’m happy to be back to share with you a brand new post! I wanted to create a series of posts on how to make different textures on cookies. So, in this post, I will show you how I add texture to taco cookies to make them resemble a taco shell. Let’s begin:

You’ll need baked half circles for the taco shape, your favorite royal icing recipe, and a couple of brushes.

Step 1. Outline the taco, leave some space up top and on the side, and then flood. Set aside to dry.

Step 2. Once dry (or almost dry) you are going to take a little bit of the same color icing and pipe that over your cookie. Take a clean brush and dab the icing all over the cookie. Set aside to dry.

Step 3. Take some brown royal icing and water it down a bit. Dip a new brush and splatter the watered down brown icing on the cookie. There are several ways to do this—I personally take my (clean) washed hand and flick the bristles towards the cookie. For a more even spread of splatter, I recommend using a brand new toothbrush instead of a paint brush. Set aside to dry.

Step 4. Now that your cookie is dry, it’s time to add the meat and veggies, lol. First, pipe some brown around the edge of the cookie. Next, we’ll add some lettuce. I like to cut my piping bag tip at an angle so I can get a nice ruffled lettuce, and I like to hold the piping bag with the pointy part facing down at an angle. Practice before applying your lettuce to the taco. Finally, add your tomatoes and cheese and bam you have a taco cookie!

Step 5. (Optional) Add some eyes, a mustache, some faces (I like these food coloring markers) and turn them into Father’s Day cookies.

I hope you try these textured taco cookies—can’t wait to see them! xo, Ren

Credits // Author and Photography: Ren Padilla. Photos edited with A Color Story Desktop.

from A Beautiful Mess

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