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Lunar New Year Books + Decor!

Do It Know

When we adopted our first daughter Nova from China (four years ago!) we started celebrating Chinese holidays and traditions as a family. Each year, we decorate for Lunar New Year, host a small party, and read our Chinese children’s books during the two weeks. 

My husband is a Chinese cooking enthusiast, so each year we try out new recipes. This year, we are learning to make mooncakes. 

Home decorated in red decor for Lunar New Year
collage of lunar new year decor

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Whether you are setting the table or decorating the house, these fun items are sure to bring a festive flair to your home!

collage of lunar new year books

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There’s something for older kids, new readers, and toddlers with this selection of Lunar New Year’s books (and the coloring book is a great gift as well!).

collage of lunar new year apparel

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Wear your Lunar New Year celebration vibes all through the year with these cute choices!

We are still learning so much about how to celebrate and new traditions to incorporate, so if you grew up celebrating, I would love to hear your favorite traditions! xo. Elsie

from A Beautiful Mess

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