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Boho Shower Curtain

Do It Know
One way to make a bathroom look more luxe is to get an extra long shower curtain that goes all the way to the floor. It was one of those things I never even thought about, but it made total sense!

So for this DIY, I added macrame trim to a simple/boring shower curtain. The finished result is a custom shower curtain that you can’t buy in any store!

Macrame Shower Curtain DIY (click through for tutorial)

Here’s how it’s done …

Macrame Shower Curtain DIY (click through for tutorial)
white shower curtain
macrame lace
-fabric scissors
fabric glue or sewing machine

Macrame Shower Curtain DIY (click through for tutorial)Cut a macrame lace strip to be just as wide as the bottom of the curtain. Pin your lace in the location you want it along the bottom of the curtain. Use a ruler as you go to make sure the top of the lace is even with the bottom of the curtain.

Macrame Shower Curtain DIY (click through for tutorial)Using a ruler again, add and pin your next line of lace and repeat with each layer you want to add.

Macrame Shower Curtain DIY (click through for tutorial)Use fabric glue along the top edge of each piece of lace to secure, or sew along the top line with a sewing machine.

Macrame Shower Curtain DIY (click through for tutorial)Add some Fray Check to the ends of all your cut macrame pieces so they don’t unravel.

Macrame Shower Curtain DIY (click through for tutorial) Macrame Shower Curtain DIY (click through for tutorial)

Hang up your curtain to see your finished product!

Macrame Shower Curtain DIY (click through for tutorial) I loved how this curtain looked in my guest bathroom.

And, if you would rather buy a boho-style shower curtain, here are my favorites! xx -Elsie

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

P.S. If you love macrame, check out these DIYs:


Boho Shower Curtain DIY

add macrame lace to a plain shower curtain to create boho look
Keyword boho, shower curtain


  • fabric scissors
  • fabric glue
  • sewing machine optional


  • Cut a macrame lace strip to be just as wide as the bottom of the curtain. Pin your lace in the location you want it along the bottom of the curtain.
    Use a ruler as you go to make sure the top of the lace is even with the bottom of the curtain.
  • Using a ruler again, add and pin your next line of macrame lace and repeat with each layer you want to add.
  • Apply fabric glue along the top edge of each piece of lace to secure (or sew along the top line with a sewing machine).
  • Add some Fray Check to the ends so the macrame pieces won't unravel.

Credits//Author: Elsie Larson. Project and Photography: Laura Gummerman.

from A Beautiful Mess

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