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Easy Hamburger Soup Recipe

Do It Know

I don’t know about you, but I am still on the hunt for simple dinner ideas for chilly nights. So, I’m here once again to spread the good news and great joy of SOUP.

This easy hamburger soup recipe is on heavy rotation at our house this month.

Hamburger soup, as the name suggests, is made with ground beef and other ingredients/seasonings you might find in homemade hamburger patty.

I even like to add a little cheddar cheese on mine and serve it with pickles to really get literal about it. LOL.

I add flavor to this beef soup through spices and aromatics. This soup recipe has red onion and garlic, as well as a spices like cayenne and chili powder. So, although the flavor still feels simple and familiar, it’s not boring or flat.

I also prefer to make this hamburger soup recipe without beef broth or stock; I prefer to use vegetable stock to balance the flavors out a bit.

You can use any ground beef, or even ground turkey instead. I like to use a higher fat content type of ground beef, like Boston burger (it’s a pork and beef mixture), but if you want to lower the fat use something lean instead.

I think this hamburger soup is great served all on its own. But, you could also toast some burger buns or add some crushed saltine crackers as if you’re having chili.

Other side dish options:

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As I mentioned, I like to top this easy hamburger soup with a little shredded cheddar cheese, but you could also skip that and serve it with a grilled cheese sandwich for the ultimate it’s-cold-outside dinner experience.

Enjoy! xo. Emma


Easy Hamburger Soup Recipe

chili-like soup made from ground beef, tomatoes, potatoes, and a few other ingredients.
Course Soup
Cuisine American
Keyword ground beef, hamburger, soup
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Servings 4 servings
Author Emma Chapman


  • ½ red onion
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • ½ teaspoon chili powder
  • ¼ teaspoon cayenne
  • 1 pound beef ground
  • 1 russet potato
  • 2 carrots
  • 14.5 ounces diced tomatoes in sauce one can
  • 2 ½ cups vegetable stock
  • salt + pepper
  • ½ cup cheddar cheese shredded


  • Chop the red onion and mince the garlic.
  • In a medium to large pot, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Saute the onions for 2 minutes until beginning to soften.
  • Add the garlic and cook for another minute. Then, sprinkle in the cayenne and chili powder. Season with a little salt and pepper.
  • Add the ground beef, and using a wooden spoon, break it up into small pieces while it cooks. Cook until almost no pink parts remain (but a few is OK as it will continue to cook some in the stock).
  • While that is cooking, peel and chop the potato and carrots. Once the meat is almost cooked add these to the pot as well.
  • Add the can of diced tomatoes with the juices.
  • Add the vegetable stock, keeping the heat at a medium level.
  • Cover and allow to cook until the potatoes are soft enough that you can easily mash them with the wooden spoon; this may take 15-18 minutes.
  • Taste and season with more salt and pepper as needed. Serve with shredded cheese.


You can use any ground beef for this recipe, or even ground turkey. I like to use a ground beef that has more fat content like ‘Boston burger’ which is a ground beef and pork mixture. 
You can also garnish with some chopped fresh herbs like cilantro or green onion. 
Serve along with some toasted burger buns or pickles for a real hamburger experience. 

from A Beautiful Mess

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