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Spring Garland DIY Idea – Yarn Carrots

Do It Know

I feel I have to admit that I have not been the best about decorating for spring or Easter. I get super stoked for autumn and the holiday season (Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas), but in the spring, I just kind of forget about seasonal decorating even though I really enjoy it.

So, I’m making an effort. Here is a spring garland DIY I made recently with yarn carrots. This was partially inspired by Laura’s yarn pumpkin garland, which I think is super cute. You can consider this the spring-themed companion.

Carrot yarn garland hanging on green fireplace
Closeup of carrot yarn garland

This DIY is basically how to make carrots from foam cones, yarn, and felt. This is a good project if you enjoy hot glue guns—which is when I know I’m crafting.

Once you have the carrots made, you can simply add them to yarn or even layer with other garlands you might already have.

Carrot yarn garland hanging on green fireplace

Looking for more spring decor inspiration? Try these projects:

orange yarn, green felt, styrofoam cones, and glue gun.

foam cones
orange paint and brush
orange yarn
green felt
-fabric scissors
hot glue gun and glue sticks

steps to make carrot yarn garland

Step One: Paint the foam cones orange. This is so the white foam won’t peek through the yarn.

Step Two: Wrap the (dry) painted cones in orange yarn using hot glue as the adhesive. I think this is fairly straightforward, but you can see me do this in the video above if needed.

Step Three: Create the carrot tops from green felt.

Step Four: Attach the tops with hot glue. Now you can hang these carrots to a garland, wreath, or however you’d like to decorate with them.

closeup of yarn carrot

Personally, I love a garland on our fireplace mantel. I hang it using just a few small nails. But, if you need a damage free option, I’d recommend using Command Strips.

You could also hang a seasonal garland on a piano, doorway, open shelf, or above your bed.

You can keep your garland super simple of layer it with other garlands. Read this post on how to transform your Christmas garland for tips on layering garland to make them feel more full and visually pleasing.

I layered my yarn carrot garland with a black and white Easter egg garland I already had. I like the contrast of the colors together.

Thanks for letting me share my spring garland DIY idea with you. I love how it looks hanging on our mantel this month, and it makes me even more excited for the season.

And in case you are curious, the portrait above my mantle is vintage. It’s actually a family heirloom—a portrait of my great-grandfather, Rafael Vegas. xo. Emma


Spring Garland DIY Idea – Yarn Carrots

how to make yarn carrots to add to a garland or wreath
Keyword felt crafts, garland, yarn
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Author Emma Chapman


  • fabric scissors
  • hot glue gun


  • white foam cones
  • orange paint + brush
  • orange yarn
  • green felt
  • hot glue sticks


  • Paint the foam cones orange. This is so the white foam won’t peek through the yarn.
  • Wrap the (dry) painted cones in orange yarn, using hot glue as the adhesive. I think this is fairly straightforward, but you can see me do this in the video above if needed.
  • Create the carrot tops from green felt.
  • Attach the tops with hot glue. Now you can hang these carrots to a garland, wreath, or however you’d like to decorate with them.

from A Beautiful Mess

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