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Sheet Pan Breakfast Sandwiches

Do It Know

If you are hosting a breakfast or brunch event anytime soon, I recommend these sheet pan breakfast sandwiches with Hawaiian rolls.

These are SO easy to make and I’ll share lots of options to customize these with different fillings, as well.

Breakfast is one of those meals that is sometimes kind of hard to make for a larger group (while still keeping things hot and fresh).

That’s what I love about these sheet pan breakfast sandwiches. You make them all at once, and they are ready to be devoured by a group for a Mother’s Day brunch or Christmas morning.

Sheet pan breakfast sandwiches include:

  • Hawaiian rolls (or any small slider buns you prefer)
  • Cheese slices (I like cheddar but other melty cheeses are great, too)
  • Protein, veggie sausage, meat sausage, bacon, or deli-style ham slices
  • Soft scrambled eggs
  • Everything bagel seasoning for the tops (so they taste like a bagel sandwich)

You want the eggs soft scrambled, almost undercooked, as they will cook a little more in the oven once the sandwiches are assembled.

I like to whisk in a few green onions, but you could also add a little hot sauce or cayenne if you want to add some heat.

I love using Hawaiian rolls for these breakfast sandwiches—they are the perfect size and I just love the sweet flavor alongside the other savory components of this recipe.

To assemble the sandwiches, don’t tear the rolls apart. Use a serrated knife to cut through the entire group of rolls, so it’s two large pieces (a bottom and a top). It’s easy to separate the sandwiches after they cook, so no need to do this before.

I assemble these sheet pan breakfast sandwiches this way: bottom bread, cheese slice, protein, eggs, second cheese slice, then bread tops. Then, I add an egg wash and sprinkle on the everything bagel seasoning.

Once the cheese melts, this keeps everything together so the sandwich fillings don’t fall out while you eat them.

If you make these for a brunch gathering let me know what you think! xo. Emma


Sheet Pan Breakfast Sandwiches

easy sheet pan breakfast sandwiches made with Hawaiian rolls
Course Breakfast
Cuisine American
Keyword breakfast sandwiches, sandwiches
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 6 minutes
Total Time 21 minutes
Servings 24 sliders
Author Emma Chapman


  • 2 packages Hawaiian rolls 24 rolls total
  • 20 slices cheese cheddar
  • 8 veggie sausage patties or other protein (see notes)
  • 9 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • 2 tablespoons green onions chopped
  • 3 tablespoons everything bagel seasoning


  • Cook the veggie sausages (or other protein) until cooked and crispy if applicable.
  • In a medium size bowl, whisk together 8 eggs and 2 tablespoons milk. Soft scramble with chopped green onions. Set aside.
  • Leaving the rolls attached to one another, slice down the center so you have a top half and a bottom half.
  • Cover a sheet pan with parchment paper. Add the bottom roll layer.
  • Add a layer of cheese slices.
  • Layer on the cooked protein.
  • Layer on the soft scrambled eggs.
  • Add another layer of cheese slices, then top with the remaining bread tops.
  • In a small bowl, whisk one egg and one tablespoon water.
  • Brush the tops of the sandwiches with the egg wash and then sprinkle on the everything bagel seasoning.
  • Bake at 350°F for 6-8 minutes, until the cheese is very melted.


I like to use veggie sausage in these but instead you could use: cooked bacon, meat sausage, or slices of deli-style ham. 

from A Beautiful Mess

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