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10 Things I Love Sunday

Do It Know

I have to say—the fall and Halloween season got a LOT more fun for this summer-loving girl now that we have a 5-year-old around the house.

Definitely have done the most Halloween decorating ever this year, and Lola insisted on taking witch hats for everyone to my parents’ house when we all had to stay there for a night this week—HA!

Entry table decorated for Halloween

1. Still LOVE these sock boots I got last year so much that I ordered them in brown for this fall. I love sock boots because I think they are the most flattering boot with dresses and skirts, and you can put your pant legs over the shaft of them when you wear jeans.

2. I’m here for a good novelty earring, and these are so cute! Also adding these to my cart now …

3. I was just thinking this week that this really is my favorite foundation of all time (I use Diaz ST7). It looks really natural, feels light, and goes on quickly with just my fingertips.

4. Gonna break out my gluten-free vegan pumpkin chocolate chip cookie recipe this week. So good!

5. Using this bat print download I printed off again this year in our entryway. The colors are so pretty, but still Halloween vibes. Our ghost on the table is from last year (he lights up!), but this year’s version is pretty cute, too!

6. I always want this candy this time of year.

7. UGH! How cute are these for around the fire pit? Or this little bat mug.

8. Comfortable sweater dresses are where it’s at for me right now. I can wear them while pregnant and still use them after the baby, too!

9. This boucle storage bench is perfect!

10. This waffled texture shirt looks C.O.Z.Y.

P.S. Here are a few posts from last week in case you missed them!

from A Beautiful Mess

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