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10 Things I Love Sunday

Do It Know

Summer is officially here and it has been blazing hot in Missouri. We’re talking 100 degree temps over here! Wild.

I spent yesterday watering flowers and roaming around my favorite flea market. I always grab a coffee to have in hand while I look around. It’s my little thrifting treat.

1. I just finished watching The Andy Warhol Diaries and am completely mesmerized. There is so much I didn’t know about him.

2. I’ve been wearing my Birkenstock dupes nonstop and decided to buy a second pair in black. So adventurous!

3. Vintage party supplies make my brain happy.

4. I flipped out when I found my floral planters (pictured above) at the hardware store. I looked for some similar options (here and here) but I’m thinking a DIY is in order!

5. I’m finally starting to decorate my spare room and these are the curtains and curtain rods I picked. I’m going for a moody and cozy vibe.

6. If you’re looking for a recipe to try this weekend, I highly recommend Emma’s deep dish pizza. 🤤

7. I really want this LEGO set.

8. I’m a certified mosquito magnet. I get bit constantly, which sucks because I spend half of my workday on the patio. These candles have helped a ton!

9. Hairy Styles

10. Jelly sandals with a bunch of 5 star reviews. I’m intrigued …

P.S. Here are some recent posts in case you missed them:

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