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10 Things I Love Sunday

Do It Know

This summer has been a memorable one for my family as we settle into our new home and new life in Missouri. I can’t believe that school will start again in just a few weeks. I have already been planning fall and Halloween blog posts and I am getting soooo excited. It’s always my favorite time to make projects and recipes of the whole year!

1. Here’s the link to my sunnies and the flower sunnies also (they are mine, but my kids wear them all the time).

2. I just finished The Wishing Game a few weeks ago … it was definitely one of my favorite books of the year—maybe even all time. I am currently reading Fourth Wing (which was pitched to me as “Top Gun with dragons” and it worked) it’s a fun, fast paced fantasy book. The next thing on my list is The Light Pirate, which two of my close friends have been raving about so I cannot wait. What are you reading?

3. We have been wrapping up the first phase of our renovation. Most projects are running behind, but my big goal is to wrap up everything by September and take a full break until the new year. Do you think I can do it? (Maybe it won’t be September 1, but I do think I can do it!) We love renovating, but our hearts are saying take a break right now. That said, I can’t wait to show you all the projects we are wrapping up (it’s a lot!!).

4. My favorite comfort show What We Do in the Shadows is back up and if you haven’t watched it you have to take my recommendation. It’s so funny and ridiculous and occasionally heartwarming—I love it so much!

5. The best sleep mask/lip balm. I just got a new one. All-time favorite!

6. People always ask me where I like to buy used books online and the answer is Thrift Books. My cart is always full. 🙂

7. Speaking of books (can you tell I am fixated?), I decided to add a Little Free Library at my pink house this fall. I am so excited to make a pink Little Free Library. Our neighborhood honestly already has plenty, but they bring so much joy I can’t help it.

8. I have been planning my Halloween decor (who else is with me?) and I think I am going to do a giant spider house this year with some skeletons on the porch swings and in the yard. Still brainstorming!

9. I have been filling my home with more original art and I got the most amazing piece from Liz Lidgett Gallery. I love her gallery and everything she curates.

I can’t wait to show you as soon as I paint my walls and hang it up.

10. This is the best home decor book I have found in a long time. It inspires me so much!

P.S. Here are some recent posts in case you missed them!

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