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How to Candy Flower Petals

Do It Know
Estimated read time: 2 min

One of my favorite ways to enjoy summertime flowers is candied on top of desserts. Sure, flowers are pretty in a vase, but why just look at them when you could cover them in sugar and eat them instead? Most flowers have a delicate, subtle flavor when candied and the sugar gives them a yummy crunch. They look elegant on cupcakes, tarts, pavlovas and just about any other dessert, and they’re surprisingly easy to make, too!More flowers are edible than you might realize—just make sure your flowers are grown without pesticides so they’re safe to eat. You can grow your own from seeds, ask around for fresh flowers at farmers markets, check with local nurseries for organically grown flower starts, or order them online. I used rose petals, nasturtiums, white jasmine, pansies, begonia buds and micro sun daisies here. Chamomile, dianthus, borage and dahlias are also edible, as well as herb and vegetable flowers, like squash blossoms.All you need to candy the flowers is a small amount of egg white and superfine (also known as caster sugar). I like using pasteurized egg whites from a carton, but you can also use pasteurized dried egg whites or whisk fresh egg whites in a bowl over an inch of simmering water until they reach 140º to kill bacteria. Use a small brush to coat the flower petals in whisked egg white, then brush off as much excess as possible so the flowers hold their shape as they dry. If the egg white is too thick to spread, whisk in a little water.Using completely dry fingers, sprinkle the flowers with sugar until covered, then turn them over and gently tap to remove excess sugar.Set the flowers on parchment paper until completely dry, which takes 12-24 hours. Candied whole flowers will last several days in a sealed container at room temperature, and candied petals can last for months. So if you’re looking for a new and tasty way to enjoy your summer blooms, I hope you give candied flowers a try! xo Kayleigh

Credits // Author and Photography: Kayleigh Kosmas. Photos edited with A Color Story Desktop.

from A Beautiful Mess

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