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10 Things I Love Sunday

Do It Know

Hi, everyone! Whew, what a week it’s been. The A Beautiful Mess x Etsy collection launched on Monday and it really could not be more exciting. There are 15 incredible sellers included in this collection and they all contributed some amazing items. Definitely check it out if you haven’t seen it yet! Here are 10 things I’m loving …

First, it is September. And I REALLY love that, because autumn/fall is just around the corner. At the beginning of quarantine time, we were doing house projects every single weekend and kind of got burnt out because summer just puts me in a “meh” place (sorry to all you summer fanatics out there). But with the changing of seasons, I’m so excited to get back in the swing of making little improvements again. We’re getting ready to paint our kitchen, and I have a HUGE size of this print that we need to make a frame for (we always use this DIY) so I can hang it in our guest room. Just little things that I think will make a big difference!

The dreamiest fall colorblocked sweater (under $40!).

Speaking of sweaters, I bought this sweater last year and am happy to see it back again! It also comes in extended sizes. It’s kind of a thinner material (I wore it to Disney last Christmas and it was perfect for mornings and evenings), so it’s a good option if you live in a warmer climate but want some fall sweater vibes.

This 6.5 hour long playlist of my favorite throwback pop featuring both hits and a few deep cuts/b-sides. I made it a long time ago but have revisited it a lot lately and have been adding some new songs. Making playlists on Spotify is one of my favorite hobbies!

My favorite movie of all time, That Thing You Do! is on HBO streaming right now, so if you have it, I highly recommend a watch. Or you can rent it on Amazon! It’s seriously the most endearing movie, has amazing music, fashion, and set design (it’s set in the ’60s), and TOM HANKS directed it (and is in the movie). I saw it right when it came out when I was 6 years old and loved it so much, even at that age, so I think it’s a movie kids can get into as well. Here’s my favorite scene from the movie, where the band hears their song on the radio for the first time. Get ready to swoon over Liv Tyler!

These raffia pumpkins are some of the cutest neutral autumn decorations I’ve seen.

I’ve been working on styling the bookshelves in my office, and even though this is technically a kids toy, I love this wooden rainbow!

This sweatshirt is the love of my life—I’ve bought it in three colors. I can’t say enough about the comfort level. It’s loose-fitting and it’s a tunic length, so it’s basically been my work from home uniform three days out of the week with biker shorts. Also, it’s lighter weight because it’s made of French terry.

This T-shirt that says “BOY BANDS RUINED MY LIFE.” It took me until I reached mature womanhood (sixth grade, obviously), to understand I could listen to *NSYNC and Backstreet Boys, I didn’t just have to pick one for the rest of my life. (I was unflinchingly team BSB for many years). And yes, I love One Direction. 🤓

One of my favorite artists, Ann Shen, just released this amazing book. Nevertheless, She Wore It is a book paying homage to revolutionary fashions and iconic women. From the description, “Looks include the Flapper Dress, the unofficial outfit of women’s independence in the 1920s; the Afro, worn as a symbol of black beauty, power, and pride; the Cone Bra, donned by Madonna in her 1989 power anthem “Express Yourself”; and the Dissent Collar, Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s famous signifier for when she disagrees with the majority.”

Well, that’s it for me this week! Hope the unofficial start of autumn is bringing you lots of joy! xo

Credits // Author: Keely Rust // Photography: Madison Short.

from A Beautiful Mess

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