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10 Things I Love Sunday

Do It Know

I hope your Sunday is going well and you’re able to squeeze in some “me time”… whatever that means to you! 🙂

1. I am still so so happy and thankful about our new Etsy collection. All of the sellers were incredible to collaborate with and I’m so proud of how it all turned out! Pictured here is the Elephant Hook by The Jungle Hook. These are super easy to hang on our wall, by the way!

2. 50 Black-Owned Kids Shops to support! Happy shopping! 🙂

3. This is my absolute favorite blanket. I have one for Nova’s bedroom and I am thinking of getting two for our girls new shared room. It comes in tangerine, too.

4. I know some people still think it’s too early for Halloween, but I just ordered a Christmas tree. Hahahaha. To be fair, I already had a big discount because I was ordering furniture from the Labor Day sale and it was one of those “buy more, save more” situations. I can’t wait for my kids to see it! Oh, I’m curious. When do you decorate for Christmas? I tend to go straight from Halloween to Christmas decor. P.S. This gold tree is pretty too!

I’m actually not ordering or adding too much holiday decor this year, though. I feel like the first year I live in a house I like to see how my old stuff works before adding more. So I’m curious to unpack those boxes pretty soon!

5. This is my newest cookbook and it’s so gorgeous … the photography is probably the best I’ve ever seen. I’m excited to make some of her soup recipes for fall! I love soup!

6. I love this vase from Etsy.

7. Full of secrets.

8. Cute basket alert.

9. Kelly’s kiddo craft closet is so inspiring.

10. A Clueless plaid face mask. Also, here’s the most comfortable face mask (in my opinion—I really like the stretchy ones).

Sending love to you all. I wanted to end this post by sharing something powerful that my therapist shared with me, and I have been thinking of it DAILY ever since. It’s really helped me make sense of the influx of hurtful comments that have been happening online. Here it is:

When people are hurting, they do three things:

1. They blame
2. They judge
3. They hide

Now that I know this, I can’t unsee it everywhere around me. It put a lot of things into context.

I hope that’s helpful to you as well. Remember that people are hurting right now and we are always wise to lead our lives with compassion and empathy.

xx. Elsie

P.S. If you’re in the mood for something spooky, I made a vintage horror movie bucket list (with a kids version too) just for fun!

from A Beautiful Mess

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