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Everything Bagel Seasoning Recipe

Do It Know

Everything Bagel Seasoning has become super popular in the last few years, and with good reason. It’s flavorful, savory, and really pretty, too. Although, I’ve seen it used in sweet treats as well.

You can also buy Everything Bagel Seasoning, and I’ll link a few online resources below. I was having a hard time finding this seasoning mix locally when I knew I had a baking project I wanted to use it for.

So, while I was at the store staring at the racks of spices, I decided to just make my own Everything Bagel Seasoning instead.

I am planning to use this to top some breakfast sandwiches soon (it’ll make sense later, I swear). But other uses for Everything Bagel Seasoning include: the tops of hamburger or hot dog buns, on top of homemade bread, avocado toast, inside (or outside) a grilled cheese sandwich, and of course … on top of everything bagels.

It’s easier to make a large amount of Everything Bagel Seasoning from standard size containers of the ingredients, so unless you can buy things from bins (and thus buy small amounts) you’ll likely end up with a good amount of this on your hands.

If you like, package a few up and share with your mom or friends who like to cook. This recipe would also make a fun homemade gift or part of a larger gift for a foodie friend.

What is Everything Bagel Seasoning made of?

Dried onion, dried garlic, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, flaky sea salt, and black pepper. If you make your own, you can also make substitutes or go heavy or light on ingredients you want.

Once you mix together all the ingredients, you can reuse and refill a larger container or add the seasoning to new glass containers (especially if you are gifting).

I made a little funnel from parchment paper (you can also buy one) to make it easy to fill my jars without making a too big a mess.

Here are the spice jars I used. And if you’d rather buy Everything Bagel Seasoning, here is an option from Amazon and one from Target. xo. Emma


Everything Bagel Seasoning

how to make your own everything bagel seasoning mix
Keyword everything bagel seasoning
Prep Time 2 minutes
Total Time 2 minutes
Author Emma Chapman


  • 3 ounces dried onion
  • 2 ounces dried garlic
  • 2 ounces poppy seeds
  • 2 ounces sesame seeds
  • 2 tablespoons sea salt flaky
  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper


  • Add all the ingredients to a small mixing bowl.
  • Stir together until combined.
  • Store in a container that can be sealed shut (with a lid or cap).


The measurements can vary slightly. For example, if the container of poppy seeds you buy says it is 2.3 ounces (more than the 2 ounces I list above) you can still use the entire container for this mix recipe. The measurements here can be thought of as ratios. You can also change this up based on your preferences. 

from A Beautiful Mess

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