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Classic Potato Salad

Do It Know

Last month, Elsie and I had an entire podcast episode dedicated to some of our favorite recipes throughout the seasons. And one of my favorite summer side dishes is potato salad! I realized I had never taken the time to add this recipe to our blog, so I’ve been meaning to remedy this ever since.

My classic potato salad recipe is pretty similar to this macaroni salad recipe. It’s basically a warm weather version of a casserole, so don’t let the word “salad” fool you. Ha. It’s creamy and a very comforting dish. I love potato salad alongside any kind of picnic or outdoor BBQ main dish.

For me, potato salad has to be that perfect blend of soft potatoes and hard boiled eggs alongside a good amount of crunch from bell peppers and onion.

You start by peeling and boiling the potatoes until they are soft enough to eat (but not so soft they become mashed potatoes all on their own). I peel the potatoes because this is how I remember potato salad from my childhood, so it’s how I prefer it, but you could absolutely leave the peels on and just scrub the potatoes well and cube before boiling.

You can hard boil your own eggs (check out this method to hard boil in the oven) or you can buy them. Once the potatoes are cooked, eggs are hard boiled, and vegetables chopped, you’re ready to combine everything and give it all a good stir. That’s it!

You can make potato salad the night before you plan to serve it, but if you do, I would save stirring in the chopped chives or green onions until you’re ready to serve—the flavor will become more powerful the longer the dish is combined.

Leftover potato salad can be covered and refrigerated to store for at least a few days. Thanks for letting me share this easy classic potato salad with you! xo. Emma


Classic Potato Salad

Course Side Dish
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Author Emma Chapman


  • 2 pounds russet potatoes (3-4 large potatoes)
  • 1/4 cup chopped red onion
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 2 tablespoons chopped chives
  • 3-4 hard boiled eggs
  • 1 tablespoon rice vinegar
  • 3/4 cup mayo
  • 1 tablespoon dijon mustard
  • 2 tablespoons sweet pickle relish
  • salt and pepper


  • Peel and cube the potaotes. Boil in water until soft enough to easily cut with the side of a fork, 8-10 minutes. Drain and allow to cool.
  • Hard boil the eggs unless using store bought (already hard boiled) eggs. Allow to cool.
  • Finely chop the red onion, red bell pepper, hard boiled eggs, and chives.
  • In a large bowl, combine the potatoes, red onion, bell pepper, hard boiled eggs, and chives. Add the vinegar, mayo, mustard, and sweet relish. Stir until everything is well combined. Add salt and pepper to taste.


You can use any vinegar if you don't have rice vinegar handy (white vinegar, or apple cider vinegar would be best). You can use dill pickle relish instead of sweet if you prefer, but I like the sweetness it adds. You can also use green onion instead of chives, or even swap for cilantro. 
If you are making the salad ahead (the night before), wait to stir in the chives or green onion until just before as the flavor will intensify some as the salad is stored. 
Credits // Author and Photography: Emma Chapman. Photos edited with A Color Story Desktop.

from A Beautiful Mess

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