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10 Things I Love Sunday

Do It Know

I am 100% that annoying person who is like, ‘The leaves are finally changing!” and semi losing her mind over this common, annual event. What can I say? I love autumn. Lol.

Here are 10 things I’ve been loving lately.

1. Have you tried the Minimalist Baker mixes yet? I bought the pancake mix and made them with Oscar and it was SO good!

2. I am currently reading The Bone Witch and it’s really fun so far. Perfect for this spooky season.

3. I love these cute ghost earrings from Etsy.

4. I’ve gotten into buying Oscar all his toddler shoes from Poshmark lately.

I like buying him things like Vans or Nike, but it’s so pricey to buy new considering how quickly he grows.So, I’ve been stalking Poshmark and local used kid clothes stores in town, and it’s fun.

5. 15 Easy DIY Halloween Decorations (this one is my favorite).

6. In addition to the Halloween books we read to Oscar before bedtime, he’s got a new book in the rotation: We Poop on the Potty. It’s a larger board book, and he loves pointing out all the animals and cars in the book as we read.

He’s not potty training just yet, but we’re trying to do that thing where we start to talk about it more.

7. I bought myself (and my husband) the new I Will Teach You to Be Rich Journal and I’m really enjoying working through it. It’s kind of helping me feel more hopeful about the future as I’ve been in a kind of a hard/transitional season lately.

8. I love printing/adding photos to albums every season. Here’s my favorite fabric photo album, iron-on letters (for the dates), and photo printer.

9. Do you have a favorite candle that you buy over and over? Here’s mine. So good!

10. I love Shea Moisture and recently tried their Purple Rice Water Spray. It’s awesome if you are looking for a leave in styler that works well for color treated hair and is affordable.

P.S. Here are a few recent posts in case you missed them:

from A Beautiful Mess

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